Monday, April 2, 2012

Dripping Dots Mani

I've gotten so many great manicure ideas from Pinterest that I don't know if  I'll ever be able to try them all.  Recently I pinned a great tip from The Beauty Department. To make polka dots on your mani just push a flat head pin into a pencil eraser and dip it into the polish you want to dot. It makes a perfect dot tool.

My love of Revlon ColorStay Longwear nail enamel continues. For this mani I used Sequin as the base and Stiletto for the dripping dots. I painted two base coats of Sequin. I dripped a small amount of Stiletto onto a disposable plate. Then I dipped the pin head in and created a dotted line across the tip of each nail and added random dots dripping down each nail. I found that bending the pin gave me more control of the dotting tool.

They turned out better than I'd hoped. The sparkly sequin base is a perfect backdrop for the black dots. Using the pin dotting tool was surprisingly easy. The best tip I have is to dip lightly. You only need a small amount of polish on the pin head to create a dot. Too much makes a glob. It also helps to clean off the pin head occasionally with some polish remover. You can use any color combo to make fun polka dot nails. If you try it with different colors, I'd love to see your mani.  Please post it to the Real Girl Runway facebook page.

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