There is really no substitute for a classic handbag. You can carry it for a lifetime. Hermes is the pinnacle of luxury and classic style. The Kelly bag is large enough to fit your daily essentials but also lady like enough to carry any time. Grace Kelly made this bag famous because she used it to hide her pregnant belly from the press and public. Believe it or not there was a time when it was thought to be in poor taste to show off your pregnancy. The bag was originally called the Petite Sac Haut a Courroies (Haut a Courroies means "high belt"). When the princess began carrying the bag regularly and it appeared in the press, the name was changed to the Kelly.
Hermes doesn't have prices for classic and wait list bags like the Kelly and the Birkin on their website. In a search, I found used bags for a little over $5,000 and new bags ranging from $7,500 to over $14,000, depending on the type of leather used to make the bag.
I personally love this similar bag by
Aldo (style: CYPHERT), for only $45! It comes in five colors, rust, bone, beige, red and black. They also sell a smaller style (TELLIS) for $40.
Photo credits: Life Magazine and Time Magazine