Mulberry handbags are beautiful. My personal favorite is the Alexa. The British fashionista, Alexa Chung, who the bag was named for, carries it regularly.
I hoped that the Target line would include at least one bag similar to the Alexa. There are a few that are close but none that have the double buckles, braided handle and shoulder strap of the Alexa. Target has only released press photos of a few bags so far. I really like the cross body bag and the black faux patent bag. I am not a fan of the cheap looking heart shaped tag hanging from the handles.
The collection is pretty large judging by the ad below that has appeared in many of the September magazines.
All of the bags in the line retail for less than $50. A fraction of the price of the originals. I promise to post more detailed photos once they are available. The line will be released at Target stores and online October 10.