
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Inspiration - When There is None

Yesterday I was involved in a discussion on a fellow blogger's facebook page (Wardrobe Oxygen) about the work it takes to run a successful blog. In that discussion there was talk of people's perceptions of the work it takes and in some cases the lack of respect that bloggers, even professional bloggers receive. I started thinking about the posts I do and the work and inspiration it takes to write a good post.

graphic credit: traceyadamson.wordpress
I am not a full time blogger. I have a full time job, separate from blogging, that pays the bills. When I started this blog, it was a fun outlet for my love of fashion. Posts weren't regular but I enjoyed the writing. I care a great deal about my blog and don't want to just post anything. Lots of thought goes into what I want to write about but also what I think you all will find interesting. I want it to be well written, inspirational, helpful and worth your time. A good blog post takes time. In most cases, hours. If there are lots of photos or collages, it can take even more time. It's a true labor of love and passion.

A few years ago I decided to start posting regularly. My goal was to post every weekday. Most weeks I meet that goal. Lately, I've been lacking in inspiration.  I don't want to just post crap that you don't care about. Part of the reason is the other tasks I've been focused on (work, home repairs, health, stress).

Now the real confession. Another reason for my slightly irregular posting is my lack of an inspirational workspace.  My office/studio is a ridiculous mess. It's become a dumping ground for things and now it's just a huge pile of crap. There isn't even a workable space in the room. Auditioning for hoarders is a distince possibility. Admittedly, I'm not a super neat person.  I like the house to be clean but I come from a long line of savers and pile makers. I have to force myself to purge on a regular basis. That being said, my creative workspace has always been a clutter free zone. It's a small space and I have kept it that way because I needed a stress free place to get away and be creative. That space no longer exists. I troll Pinterest and other blogs and see amazing creative spaces. Creating that space for myself would be great. It's also daunting. I look at the mess and think of the work and freak out. My plan is to do a little at a time. I have to do some cleaning to coming weekend to move a piece of furniture. It's a perfect time to start clearing out my small room Wish me luck. And now some picture perfect rooms for inspiration.

Office Inspiration
Office Inspiration


Back to blog posting, do you have topics you'd like to see me cover? Burning fashion questions or frustrations? Please respond here or email me at