
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blue and Gray with some 4th

This week we celebrate the 237th birthday of our country.  In the midst of all of the hot dogs, beer, potato salad, fireworks and fun, many times we forget what we are truly celebrating. The freedoms we enjoy in the United States were won by people who sacrificed so much and also by those who continue to sacrifice. This week also marks the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The Civil War was a dark time in American history. I grew up in the south and my mom and lots of my family live very close to Appomattox, Virginia.  I was raised on Civil War stories. If the war had ended differently, we would not be living in the same country we live in today. We would likely not be living in the United States of America.  During this week, I will pause to think of those who built our country. Those who fought hard to give us all the life and freedom we enjoy today. Now enough of a history lesson and onto a little fashion in the form of a manicure.

essie Stroke of Brilliance, Maybelline Color Show Audacious Asphalt

I wore this version over the weekend and early in the work week.

Using my Martha Stewart glue pen, I drew two lines on my ring finger nails.

Then I sprinkled the nails with red glitter, cleaned up each nail and added a top coat.

The finished mani for my 4th of July fun.

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