
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Make Your Voice Heard - ELECTION 2012

I've been MIA for a couple days because I've been working for my favorite candidate.  I'm very passionate about my beliefs. Many of you might be able to guess which way I lean but this is not the forum for those passions.  However, there is one thing that I believe transcends party affiliation and candidates.  It's my firm belief that no one should take voting for granted. Everyone should vote.  Women (and men) have fought, suffered and lost their lives to ensure that the United States remains a free society and a democracy.

In July of 1917 Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and 14 other women were arrested for protesting Woodrow Wilson and his lack of attention to the women's right to vote.  They were taken to the Occoquan Workhouse which is only about 10 minutes from where I live today.  Alice Paul and Lucy Burns went on a hunger strike. Alice Paul was force fed and Lucy Burns was beaten for their protests.  In August of 1920, they were finally rewarded when the 19th amendment was signed.

These women endured great hardships to ensure that women today are able to vote how they choose. Honor the memories and the sacrifices of these women.  VOTE!

You can also honor these women by contributing to creation of the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial.  It's a cause near and dear to my heart.  Thanks for indulging me. If you'd like to learn more about Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and the women they fought with, check out "Iron Jawed Angels".